Q: How it is
possible to ionize the water when all
the minerals are removed by reverse
1. We are using the latest technology "electrolysis of water" not
"ionized of water". Electrolysis requires highly purified clean
water to prevent fouling of plates. Reverse Osmosis system with a water
ionizer is one of the easiest methods for hydrogen production, offering
the advantage of simplicity.
2. Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water (H2O) into oxygen
(O2) and hydrogen gas (H2) due to an electric current being passed
through the water. You don't need any minerals in water to produce "Hydrogen",
just need pure"H2O". "Hydrogen" is the key to healthy water.
3. We are using the latest technology "Revere Osmosis system with a NF
membrane". It remove bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, viral
contaminants, and other dangerous elements while still allowing valuable
minerals through for the water ionizer to electrolyze, and your body to

allows only pure water, monovalent salts and lower molecular weight
divalent salts to pass through.
4. We are using the latest technology "Alkaline Filter" in our Reverse
Osmosis Systems. The Alkaline filter changes the acidic RO water into a
perfect Natural Alkali Calcium Ionized Water. The PurePro® Alkaline
filter simply gives back minerals such as ionized calcium, magnesium,
sodium, potassium ion, which were taken away while purifying the water.
5. Our water technology experts at PurePro have solved the problem
of combining these two phenomenal yet very different water technologies.
It can remove Mercury, Lead, Heavy Metals, Arsenic, all germs and
viruses from water and makes clean, safe and tasty water. We are using the
world's best water treatment for water ionizer.
Great ideal solution for water sources that are too hard or unhealthy as
water is first thoroughly cleaned then remineralized. For more
information, please visit:
http://www.pure-pro.com/ers-105-nf.htm or
http://www.pure-pro.com/m800-alkaline.htm or
New Medical Technology :
RO Water using Electrolyzed (E-RO) - This application of electrolyzed
water (EW) at the cathode side to manufacture reverse osmosis (RO) water
and hemodialysis (HD) solution can actually lead to less oxidative
capacity in chemical terms.

Q: The Feature of alkaline water?
Little cluster
Motility improves when the molecular cluster is smaller. Small
clusters make it easier to dissolute and excrete waste matter within
the body. This fact is important because excess waste matter is the
reason for aging and disease. Alkaline ionized water has small
clusters with high motility and dissolute, so you excrete waste
matter from the body rapidly.
2) Abundant active mineral Minerals are also called inorganic matter
or mineral matter. There are many kinds of minerals. They are found
in animals and vegetables, food and water. These minerals smoothen
our living activities and maintain a balance. ; Mineral absorption -
Activated form of minerals are much better absorbed in the body.
3) Good restoration
Controls saprogenic bacteria in organs and
increases beneficial bacteria.
There are about 100 kinds of bacteria, up to a trillion
microorganisms living in the large intestine, and are classified as
both beneficial and harmful depending on the bacteria species.
Alkaline ionized water controls the saprogenic bacteria to prevent
disease. Alkaline ionized water is the only water that can restore
and help beneficial bacteria in the body.
Eliminates active oxygen
Active oxygen is oxygen that easily bonds or combines with
surrounding substances. Active oxygen is unstable and therefore has
with fewer electrons. The active oxygen possesses higher oxidizing
power, and is related directly to aging and disease.
4) Abundant hexagonal water
Water molecules consist of 13 ~ 15
molecules. Hexagonal water, water clustered with 6 water molecules,
is the most stable and natural to the human body. One human body
cell molecule is connected to about 70,000, 60~65% of them are
hexagonal water molecules. The body favors this kind of water. The
cell that suffers with diseases has less hexagonal water.
- Lower the temperature of water like iced
- Electrolyze water with abundant mineral.
- Go through magnetic treatment.

1) Acidity and alkalinity
pH= the unit that indicates the density of
acid and alkaline in water.
Water becomes acidic with increased oxalic acid, and alkaline with
increased hydrogen ions. The measuring unit of acidity and
alkalinity is indicated by pH values, e.g., pH 7 is considered
neutral. Each numerical increment indicates 10 times more hydrogen
ions or oxalic acid. For example, an increase of 1 in a pH table
means 10 times more alkalinity. A decrease of 1 means 10 times more
2) Maintaining pH balance
The human body tends to maintain body fluid
at pH7.3 according to the homeostasis function. The body tries to
maintain the balance of each organ with alkaline body fluid of pH8.8
from the pancreases as the peak. However, consistent acidic
constitution will result in lowering one's self-protection function
in the body. Even though there is no visible sign of disease,
alkaline water drinking will support the body with homeostasis
functions. Alkaline water drinking also prevents geriatric disease
because it defends the body against acidification of the physical

Why are so many people excited about alkaline drinking water?
Water Ionizer are quickly becoming a popular health product in many
parts of the world. In Japan, which ranks in the very first position on
the list of countries for long life, 20% of homes have a Alkaline Water
Ionizer. While other countries do not have that same level of market
penetration, the news is getting out and health-conscious people
everywhere are discovering about Water Ionizers and using them to make
alkaline water.
Just about everybody these days is aware of the quality issues in our
drinking water supply. What very few people are aware of is that almost
all our drinking water has a positive ORP. That is the abbreviation for
oxidative reduction potential. Just as oxidation is bad for a piece of
iron that we leave out in the backyard because it will begin to rust as
the oxidation process works away on it, oxidation is also bad for each
of our trillions of cells in your body because oxidation breaks down our
cells and causes the aging process.
The higher the ORP measurement of the water we drink, the more it
contributes to the oxidation, or aging process. The good news is, that
with a high-quality Water Ionizer Machine like one that produce alkaline
water, anybody can turn their tap water into a very healthy alkaline
drinking water with a strong negative ORP. The stronger the negative
measurement of ORP, the greater the effect of the water in fighting the
oxidation process, or slowing down the aging process. Not all Water
Ionizers can produce a water with a strong negative ORP. But fortunately
there are Water Ionizers that do.
Another benefit of a high-quality Alkaline Water Ionizer — This is
sometimes referred to as Hexegonal water. This restructured water with
the smaller aggregations of water molecules is able to permeate through
cell membranes more easily, therefore enabling the water to perform some
of its most important functions better. Cells, for example, can become
hydrated easier, nutrients can be delivered into the cells more readily,
and toxins can be more readily removed from the cells. The net of all
this is that people who begin to drink the water produced by a
high-quality water ionizer machine often describe how quickly they feel
healthier once they start drinking the water. But there is much more
good news…
Water Ionizers are often sought out by people searching for a solution
to their pH balance. One of the challenges many people have today is
that they are having too much acid accumulating within the body.
Antacids, heartburn, acid reflux, and many other related conditions are
all too common. Left untreated, an accumulation of acid within the body
tissues can lead to a variety of serious health conditions. While most
people realize the importance of balancing their body pH, few people
have the know how or the discipline to address this serious issue
successfully with diet and lifestyle alone. Fortunately, a high-quality
Water Ionizer Machine will provide an unlimited supply of Alkaline Water
which will help balance the pH within the body tissue.
No wonder PurePro E-RO systems are quickly becoming such an important
health product!
YouTube Video:
Alkaline Water Demonstration
Introducing Alkaline Ionized Water
importance of drinking alkaline water